The last few months in college have been very exciting and entertaining. A semester that was much required, a semester that we guys deserved. A lot of Cricket, a lot of bantering and a couple of outings has made this last semester very special and remember-able. And I ended up making a few cool friends in these last few weeks. Glad that I did.
Mother's day has always been special. And today was no less. Only this time I wasn't at home, almost the whole day. Ending on a bad note the previous(Saturday) night, I went to bed to sleep it off. And Sunday morning was as horrible as always with mom waking me up while cleaning my room. Darn, seven in the morning is too early to get up on a Sunday morning. I did sleep again, woke up a little late, only to prepare my share of tea. I am easily the most awful person you'll come across when it comes to kitchen-work. Surprisingly, the tea tasted good. A good sign. That was the first high point of the day.
My mobile lay on the bed untouched, with a few text messages unread. The messages were comforting, perfect to start the day with. I saw Sherlock Holmes waiting to be read on the table and reading I did. Loved the short story I read! I wished mom and then we went out for a small walk and did some purchasing. While walking, I noticed that I have been endevouring to have a great weekend from a few weeks and I clearly wasn't having one. I decided to visit a friend nearby for lunch, hoping it would be fun. And it turned out to be more than that!

The terrace. Having played Cricket for very many years on the terrace at my place in Salem, I have always had a liking for it(the terrace). The friend's place, well, they have a lovely terrace- not too high, spacious, a mango tree to protect everyone from the heat, gentle and soothing breeze to again beat the heat and a splendid view of the lane nearby. We, the three of us, had a long conversation there- discussing college, movies, psychology, para-psychology, school, hostel life, etc.; no matter how many times these topics are touched upon, neither do they fade nor get tagged as being boring. A spectacular evening.
On reaching home, another friend arrived and we had a short chat on movies and music. I love it when this guy chills me off during semester exams. He came to collect movies and songs. CHEERS! Apparently, he is the only one who gives me hope during exams. Our standard exam preparation statement- "You are not alone, even I am yet to start! Who has the study materials for the subject? ". It is wonderful to have friends who are similar to you. He was keen to watch the movie V for Vendatta and left after a while. India did lose the match, but I am too glad to get saddened at their loss. The day has almost ended and I guess I'll read another short story of Doyle's before I find myself on bed. May you all have an enjoyable month- May.
It does sound like any other ordinary day. Perhaps, I should have titled this post "A day with friends", but that title could hold hundreds of posts. I ll stick to the current title. Enjoy friends. Take care :)